Nations, history, China and the Anti-Christ

14 01 2013

ImageIt’s a boring Saturday evening and my two neighbors and i are seeping coffee from outside our houses. Then we start a discussion concerning the global politics and specifically on where we think the next world civilization and greatest nation will be. Everything seems to be pointing to China and we each give our two cent on why China may have the potential. The discussion is going on fine until one guy propones that the rise of China will be based on the biblical prophecy found in the book of Revelations. He goes ahead to explain how China is the instrument through which the rise of the anti-Christ will be manifested. But is it really?

I do not know much about the anti-Christ ,Armageddon, or the second coming of Jesus, but I am burdened with the question on whether anyone knows for sure about the ‘the end of the world’. Does it even exist as written in the bible or does the world end when someone dies. I mean aren’t  the biblical Abraham and Moses supposed to be in heaven? Why didn’t their souls just wonder around waiting for the end of the world? From a Christian perspective it’s hard for me not to believe about life after death, but is it wrong to feel that the events mentioned in the last book of the Christian bible have a more symbolic rather than a literal interpretation? Judging from the number of Armageddon movies being churned out in Hollywood and the innumerable books and articles that have been written about the last days, there are a lot of interpretations to the book of revelation. This interpretations vary from grotesque horror movies meant to make anybody who cares about the security of his soul in the afterlife to have it saved by any spiritual means possible; to less threatening literature showing beautiful images of paradise and life after the second coming of Christ. But with the disclaimer that that kind of life will only be enjoyed by those whose lives are a struggle towards righteousness.

With all the biblical talks about false prophets and such, who holds the authority to explain the worldly events leading to the coming of Christ? Are Christian expected to just read the bible and hope that they have the right amount of anointing (what does this even mean?) to make the right interpretation about the coming of the biblical ‘bride’? Or are they expected to listen to the several prophets who claim to have the ‘inspiration’ or whatever it takes to interpret the bible? What if you realize that the interpretations are overwhelming in number, diversities and prophecies associated with them? How do you discern what is real, fictional or down right off the message? How do you know who is the real agent of God and who is the disguised messager representing Lucifer? Who decides the nature of the anti-Christ, where he/she/it will be geographically located and how to avoid him/her/it?

Back to my point concerning world civilizations. It is common knowledge that historically civilization has lead to the creation of great world’s nations of power. But it is also in the same history that we got to learn about the fall of the great Greek, Roman and Turkish powers among many other great nations. In addition, it’s within the realms of civilizations that great nations like America have grown. The power of American today is based majorly on its economic and military might. What then will happen when a more economically superior and militarily stronger nation emerges? The old nation will have to succumb to the new masters. Whether China has the capacity to become the next great nation is debatable. But one thing is for sure, based on its resources, population and its present economic diffusion across the world, China has some potential. Whether its rise or lack of it is based on biblical prophecy is another question all together. While religion may be used by mankind to answer some pertinent questions about life, I think we should be careful not to believe in conspiracies that may lead us into fanatism divorced from our religious purpose. After all doesn’t the bible say that no one knows the time nor the place concerning of the coming of Christ? Instead it says that he will come like a thief. And although it is said that there will be signs to indicate the end of the world, I guess these signs have been there for a long time. Even the Disciples of Christ expected Jesus to come back during their time.

 Whatever the case, we can confidently predict the fall of America as a great power and great civilization and yes another power will emerge to rule the world. As for the anti-Christ and the activities leading to the Armageddon, we can only hope that God will reveal the true meaning of the book of Revelation to those who he chooses and help those who believe in him to discern the false from the true prophets. Meanwhile, let’s not forget the teachings we have gotten from history.At least they can validate our speculations unborn from fanatical conspiracy theories.




One response

14 01 2013
Tayebwa Morris

Infact China will save us from the AntiChrist or whatever Demon there is. That demon is there already. China’s growth will be like the second coming.


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